I chat with Bobby Owsinski about life and music (Podcast)
My guest this week is producer/ engineer Gareth Jones, who’s a pioneer in the use of cutting edge digital equipment, sampling technology, and synthesizers.
Gareth produced five albums for techno innovators Depeche Mode and six albums for synth-pop superstars Erasure, and many more.
As the mixer of John Foxx’s seminal album Metamatic, he realized that an artist could truly define his sound with electronics. Then, as the co-producer of many of Depeche Mode’s greatest works, he helped to create experimental music with global chart appeal.
Trained at the BBC, Gareth got his start recording the best of London 1980’s new wave and industrial artists before he moved to Berlin to work at the legendary Hansa Studios.
During the interview we talked about taking advantage of unforeseen opportunities, his love of modular synthesis, life on the bleeding edge of technology, the appeal Logic Pro, and much more.
My friends from PSP came to my studio to chat and hear about my. Work
An interview with Simon Helm at The Electricity Club about my solo LP ELECTROGENETIC
I talk with Antelope Audio about the ZenTour Synergy SC
Spiritual Friendship spoke with Guitar Center about technology and specifically Moogs at Moogfest May 2018
Talking with Viola Funk about some 80s Berlin spots (and one 90s one). In German.
Gareth Jones’ Tour in das Berlin der 80er Jahre
Chatting with Alexander Hacke and Hanna Bächer in Hansa Studio 2 for RBMA Bass Camp Berlin

Additional Dialogue with Tape Op
Part 2 of my Interview with Oddvar and u-he
When we visited Superbooth 16 in Berlin I was delighted to talk to Oddvar and my friends at u-he about music and life and love
Spiritual Friendship interview with Bernard at Side-Line Magazine

Had the very great pleasure to appear in Tape Op. Great to meet Mr Larry Crane. Interview here

I talk about Black Celebration to Almost Predictable

I talk about Sound and Sound Reproduction
I enjoyed a great Interview with Torsten Schmidt at Red Bull Music Academy Madrid
Another Red Bull video in London The Producers music documentary Episode 2
I talk to Sophie about SoftTube software
I was asked to give a talk at the Mute Short Circuit Roundhouse festival in 2011. An unofficial video:
Short chat with Daniel of Sonoma Wireworks available here
Interview with Lilian Franke on TrueTrash (in German) - “Die menschliche Seite der Plattenproduktion”
Release Magazine
FAN - a short (Depeche Mode focused) film from Poland including interviews with Alan Wilder, Adrian Sherwood and Myself
Computer Music December 2009 pdf
Erasure Fan Site Russia
Estrada i Studio
Estrada i Studio (Polish Download)
Interface (Erasure Other People’s Songs”)
Interface Erasure (Dutch Download)
Keyboards Germany (Depeche Mode)
Keyboards USA (Depeche Mode’s “Exciter”)
Metric Halo
Native Instruments
Promotion for the Vena Festival, Lodz, 2009 in Estrada i Studio (Polish)
Sound on Sound, Classic Tracks, People are People
Sound On Sound, Mogwai, The Hawk is Howling
Universal Audio